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How did these new My Science Club resources enrich your science provision?

The Science Club at Greenmount Primary School in Beeston, Leeds comprises of 15 pupils age ranged between 5 and 11 years old. It was intriguing to see how children from age 5-11 were all engaged despite the wide age range. The activities enabled children to bring their own knowledge to the activity despite age, ethnicity, background, knowledge or beliefs and catered to all. The Science club resources enabled the mixed aged pupils at our school to become engrossed by all things Science, focusing on elements not linked to the National Curriculum but a fun and engaging focus on the Science all around us.


How did the My Science Club GSSfS resources help the children to ask their own scientific questions?

The resources were super easy to follow, print and navigate along with a clear website. I liked delving into the different ideas for different ages sections and also found the early primary ideas still lent themselves to the upper primary pupils in my club. The resources needed for each session were easy to collect within a primary school and took 5 minutes to grab prior to the session.

How did these My Science Club resources help the children to engage with the sustainable development goals (especially number 12)?

I was aware that a conscious effort has been made to ensure I wasn’t spending hours prior printing reems and reems of paper as well as all the information given was clear and succinct.

The children enjoyed talking about how they reduce their own waste at home and in school


“We have a compost bin at the bottom of the playground and we throw our apples in it” Laiba, year 2

“At dinner we put our leftovers in the green bin and we feed what we can to the chickens” Mohammed, year 4

“I am going to make my own paper at home and colour on it” Yusuf, year 1


And finally, how did these My Science Club resources support you as an educator to lead the sessions?

I liked the PowerPoint with each session which includes scientific questions to get the children thinking and reflecting. I also liked that the educators guide showed you in minutes how long to spend on each section.


Nikki Hall, Science and EYFS leader, Greenmount Primary School


Click here to download your FREE pack and try this yourself from our sample session section of our website

Click here to access our FREE resources on the Great Science Share for Schools (GSSfS) website and learn more about this annual campaign for children to share their science with a new audience!